This is a series of remote activations that will include energetic clearing of 5 core wounds that will propell you and help you quantum jump in your Ascension. These energy clearing sessions will be conducted over the course of five weeks, focusing on one core wound a week, to allow for the energies to fully integrate. This deal will also include a complementary tarot card reading to access the current energies and to confirm which wounds need energetic clearing.
Many of my clients are on the path that lead them to their divine counterpart/twin flame. The twin flame dynamic, is the short cut path to enlightenment and if you have been blessed to have met your twin you are being called to fully ascend. Ascension is the full activation and transmutation of your light body, and the harmony of it with the highest resonance of self you were created to exude. When you are in proper alignment with your ascension, your reality reflects the journey. You can flow with full clarity and awareness of each experience, being fully present in each lesson that your soul is evolving to learn.
Ascension for many will take lifetimes to complete, which is why many give up on coming into full union with their twin flames. Complete union and harmony with your twin flame, regardless of the status of your relationship, is the nature of the Sacred Union as well as the union of Your Godself with your Lowerself. Your relationship with your twin flame is a projection and reflection of the symbolic relationship of the creators love for itself as the Divne Masculine and Divine Feminine (as the creator is both). When you are in full alignment with your Divine self you are indeed the creator in the flesh and will be given the power to create in this reality as the God/Goddess that you were created to be!
Happy Ascension
**I can only offer this service to a limited number of clients within a 5 week period, if sold out you can start your energetic clearing sessions after I have completed the sessions for a previously booked client.**
Your video will remain active for 5 weeks, after the 5th week if you would like to rent your video for 72 hours you can do so for $55.55
No Refunds
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Varenr.: 2052
Ascension Activation
$500,00hver måned indtil annulleret
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