Bijou Bisous
Your resident Aquarian here! I am a mirror, a mere resonance of self. I was born and raised in New Orleans, and also lived in Long Island New York for a portion of my childhood, so I'm a New Yorleanean. I'm a natural shaman. Living in New Orleans, I was exposed to esoteric practices at an early age. I was born and spiritually trained to do what I am able to do through Spirit. I was an awakened indigo child. I came to this world prepared for this 5th-dimensional shift.
I practice ancient spirituality in my own eccentric way. I was always in tune with the cosmic frequencies that we are now ushering in for this Aquarian Age. I can help you translate understanding directly from Spirit as I am also a medium. I'll do my best to help you see your way through the darkest hours. I'm an intuitive spiritualist and energetic practitioner. I am also an empath and I offer private video messages to assist in seeking spiritual solutions and to provide you with the appropriate guidance for your inquiry. Are you ready to hyper-drive your evolution?
With Love,
Bijou B